Question 1: Explain the contexts of the challenges at LAX?
Question 2: What were the current projects and who were the stakeholders?
Question 3: Was Flint seeking buy-in or engagement? What is the difference between the two as it applies to the case?
Question 4: What elements of the VRIO Framework and how is this tool being employed?
Question 5: What structural changes did Flint implement?
Question 6: Was Flint successful in her approach to organizational analysis, and what tools were used to measure the outcome of LAX's analysis?
Question 7: Achieving success in male-dominated work environments can be a challenge for women, what strategies can high-performing women pursues to achieve success in such environments?
Question 8: Examining the strategic choices, what type of leadership are required to sustain change at LAX?
Question 9: Would you have considered working at LAX? Explain your answer?