Essay Questions: Write on two questions. Number them as they are listed here, include them in numerical order, and attach them in one file. Follow the instructions cited above. IF YOU FAIL TO ADDRESS THE QUESTIONS AS STRUCTURED HERE IT WILL BE ASSUMED YOU BORROWED FROM ANOTHER SOURCE THAN YOUR CLASS NOTES AND WILL FAIL THIS PORTION.
1) Based solely on lectures, fully explain the constitutional principles of popular sovereignty and limited government. Include the options the framers faced, the choices they made in designing the document as they did, and their reasons. Include any innovations or additions in the Bill of Rights.
2) Discuss and explain divided power. For the national level, cover first "separation of powers." Identify the branches, the names we use for them today, and the reasons for separating them. Is there a tendency toward action built into this system? Explain. Identify and explain the three requirements Madison noted for the separation of powers to work. For the state and national level, explain federalism, paying particular attention to what was unique about this form of government.
3) Compare the two different types of democracy discussed in lectures. Carefully delineate their names, the assumptions behind each, and the problems or requirements each pose for true democratic rule. Continue by writing on majoritarian and elite forms of republican democracy. Develop at least one argument in which each can be considered a positive and negative way of handling national issues. the book is We the People 14th Edition, Kindle Edition