
Explain the connections between pleasure contemplation and

1. Explain the connections between pleasure, contemplation, and judgment in aesthetic appreciation.

2. Explain how aesthetics, art, and criticism are interrelated.

3. Evaluate David Hume's view regarding art criticism

4. Articulate the notion of 'truth' in art criticism.

5. Explain if it is possible to have agreement about aesthetic judgments and if that is a problem.

6. Explain the elements of any moral dilemma: the act, the consequences of the act, and the moral agent.

7. Critically analyze the false starts in moral philosophy including relativism and Divine Command.

8. Discuss the practical and logical problems with Aquinas' Natural Law moral theory.

9. Explain how ethics can be said to be always personal and often political.

10. Compare and contrast various views of Hobbes and Locke on the state of nature and natural rights.

11. Explain and evaluate Rousseau's criticism of both Hobbes and Locke regarding the state of nature.

12. Explain the difference between the labor theory of property and labor theory of value.

13. Explain and evaluate Karl Marx's analysis of class struggle as presented in his Communist Manifesto.

14. Explain the views of Nozick and Hospers regarding legitimate laws and the role of government.

15. Compare and contrast Rawls and Nozick on justice.

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