
Explain the connection between technology and progress

1. Explain the connection between technology and progress using our readings and the consensus of your classmates in the week 1 discussion.

2. From our readings and discussions, identify 3 key technologies (1 each from the West, Far East, and Middle East/Africa), which occurred before the end of the Middle Ages. Where did each develop? What was the purpose? What impact did each technology have (or might it have had) on those living at the time. Do you see any connection between these technologies and what we have today? DO NOT USE MORE THAN ONE TECHNOLOGY YOU YOURSELF MENTIONED IN THE DISCUSSIONS.

3. Explain what is meant by southernization in at least 100 words.

4. During which century of the Middle Ages did you feel that technology was most influential? Why? Consider the lifestyles of those covered in our reading, Medieval People, and the related discussion topic.

5. How and where did education develop over the centuries? How did it differ from education today?

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History: Explain the connection between technology and progress
Reference No:- TGS0979218

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