
Explain the concepts of share of customer

Discussion question:Read the attched chapter below answer the following questions:

1. What is CRM? How do firms practice CRM?

2. Explain the concepts of share of customer, lifetime value of a customer, customer equity, and customer prioritization.

3. How would you describe Big Data? What are some of the most significant sources of competitive advantage that Big Data offers?

4. Describe the various sources of Big Data for marketers, 5-5. What is data mining? For marketers, what are some of the most important applications?

6. What is the difference between structured and un-structured data? What are some examples of each?

7. What are marketing analytics, and what kinds of in-sights are enabled by today's marketing analytics solu-tions? What are predictive analytics?

8. What is the difference between purchasing digital ad-vertisements with a cost-per-impression structure ver-sus a cost-per-click structure? Is one better than the other?

9. Define marketing metrics. How can marketing metrics help marketers understand the performance of differ- ent marketing initiatives and provide greater control?

10. What is a click-through rate, and how is it calculated?

11. What is a conversion? What are some examples of con-iersions on an e-commerce website?12. What is a cost-per-order? What kind of information do marketers gain from this metric?

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Marketing Management: Explain the concepts of share of customer
Reference No:- TGS01763547

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