
Explain the concepts of object orientation methodology



Investigate the effectiveness of business information systems of the given case study. To do this, you are required to submit a complete report which includes a system vision document, resources required, stakeholder map and the broad feasibility of the project (i.e., risks).

Choose one of the case studies from the Interact2 Resources Section (which will be availbe prior to the start of the term) and use the case study to complete assessment item 1, assessment item 2, and assessment item 3.


This assessment tasks covers the fundamental concepts of object oriented analysis, relationship between analysis and design and activities of SDLC. More specifically it assess your ability to

• Explain the concepts of object orientation methodology (Learning outcome 1);
• Describe the activities in each phase of the system development life cycle. (Learning Outcome 2)


Reports should be submitted is MS Word format, using the CSU referencing style of APA.

Words limit: 1200-1500 words.

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Computer Engineering: Explain the concepts of object orientation methodology
Reference No:- TGS02705434

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