
Explain the concept of organizational effectiveness

Discuss the following within a word limit of 250 words:

Imagine you are a health economist, specifically a health financing advisor working for the World Health Organization (WHO). You have been asked to put together a presentation about what you learned at the recent World Health Summit.

1. Explain your job duties.

2. Describe the history and development of the Global Health Data Exchange (GHDx), and explain why it was formed. You must Include the types of services it provides around the world.

3. Explain how the WHO, GHDx, and the World Health Summit are involved in world health, including information about how new technology is provided for foreign countries.

4. Provide and describe the types of health care technology available in foreign countries. This can include low-income, middle-income, and high-income economies.

5. Select 5 of the best health care organizations in the world, and summarize the services they provide. Explain why these are considered the best health care organizations in the world.

Outline significant differences among four nations offering the best health care as compared to those that provide low-quality health care.

Working with organizations to improve the interactions of members and increase productivity through collaborative behavior is an essential role of the organization development human resources specialist. You will need to pick an organization to use for this project. The organization you choose may be your current employer, or alternatively, an organization in which you volunteer or one about which you can easily find information through the school library, the Internet, or other sources.

Research and address the elements of organizational effectiveness that will improve interactions in a presentation for senior leaders:

a. Explain the concept of organizational effectiveness, as it relates to the interactions of members.

b. Describe methods used to assess the behaviors and attitudes of organizational members, and apply 1 model in an analysis of your organization.

c. Analyze methods used to improve the behavior and attitudes of organizational members.

d. Propose processes to build teams and manage their different stages of development.

e. Evaluate methods of managing conflict and change within the organization.

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Other Management: Explain the concept of organizational effectiveness
Reference No:- TGS01756495

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