Explain the concept of CRM, TEM, and SMS. I think you did an amazing job describing the concepts of CRM, TEM, and SMS. I like how you mentioned the safety emphasis of the programs, yet you did not neglect to mention that each program is also focused on improving human performance. I think safety programs either do not incorporate the human performance aspect, or they lose sight of the human performance through dogmatic emphasis on the safety aspect of the program. I also liked how you highlighted the PAVE and IMSAFE preflight checklists, too many times safety programs do not get the credit for conceiving tools that we use every day. Develop the concept of just culture. I really enjoyed reading this part of your post. I like how you used another industry (nursing) to display the successful implementation of just culture. By doing this, you emphasized that just culture is not an aviation specific concept that just culture can be implemented into any industry that relies on human performance. Also, I found it refreshing that you decided to highlight a tool that would allow leaders to mentor/train their teams (the crawl, walk, run technique). Integrate a just culture