Explain the Composition of Nutrient Agar and Nutrient Broth?
The composition and procedure for preparation of some commonly used media, which we will use in the laboratory for conducting the exercises is presented in this section.
Carefully go through this section and try preparing the media. We begin with nutrient agar and nutrient broth.
1. Nutrient Agar and Nutrient Broth
Nutrient Broth
Peptone - 5.0 gm
Beef Extract - 3.0 gm
Distilled water - 1000 ml
pH - 7.0
For making nutrient agar, add 15 gm of agar into nutrient broth. Nutrient agar and Nutrient broth is a general purpose medium of complex nature. It is widely used in laboratories for cultivation and maintenance of bacteria. It contains peptone and beef extracts, which are the source of various amino acids and vitamins etc. Number of different bacterial types can be easily grown over nutrient medium. It is capable of supporting the growth of most heterotrophs.