
Explain the components of the scientific process


Note: This list is NOT all inclusive of things you might be tested on, but is reflective of the main ideas discuss.The best way to study is to generate a one or two word sentence definition of each term and an example in your own words

Methods of Mass Communication Research: components of the scientific process (e.g., empirical systematic etc.), the role of theories in science, variables, goals of science (e.g., prediction, explanation etc.), components of theory (i.e. hypothesis, logical, deterministic, general, parsimonious, specific, empirically verifiable, intersubjective, open to modification), survey, content analysis, experiment, field (participant) observations, focus groups, intensive interviews

Definition and History of Audience Part 1: two dialectics of audiences, conceptions of audience (e.g., group, public), magic bullet theory, two-step flow hypothesis, limited effects model, powerful but indirect media effects, mass theories vs. community theories, characteristics of an active audience; types of mediated audiences by medium

Definition and History of Audience Part 2: uses and gratifications theory, expectancy value  theory, dependency theory, behavioral effects, cognitive effects, physiological effects, social cognitive theory, cultivation theory, socialization theories, agenda setting, schemas/scripts,
limited capacity model

Conceptualizing the Audience: what forms an audience, typology of audiences, transmission model, expressive/ritual model, attention model, conceptualizing reach across media, internal diversity, external diversity, audience analysis model, mental effort and social interaction, attention, suspending disbelief, empathy, suspense, perceived reality, reflection myth

Perception and Social Cognition: schema, prototype, person schemas, self-schemas, role schemas, event schemas, encoding, memory, interpretation/evaluation, outgroup homogeneity, outgroup polarization effect, audience schemas, priming effects, associative networks, spreading activation, accessibility, social reality judgments, Shrum's social cognition principles

Advertising and Audience Measurement Part 1 and 2: key concepts taken from Consuming Kids; rating statistics, Nielsen rating strategies, segmentation, fragmentation, fandom, parasocial interaction, identification, miscomprehension, deceptiveness, hedges, elliptical comparatives,
implied causation, implied slur on competition, pseudoscience, classical conditioning, subliminal advertising, effectiveness of advertising, schema of reach, density, target audience, testimonial appeals, informational appeals, patriotic appeals, fear appeals, humorous appeals, constructionist framework, product placements, peripheral route, central route, ELM, self-validation theory.

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