Explain the Complete Process of Communication?
Sender has an idea - you conceive an idea and want to share it.
Sender encodes the idea
- putting your idea into a message that can be understood by the receiver. This process is called encoding.
- You decide on the message's form - words, facial expressions, gestures, length, organization etc. This would depend on your purpose, idea, audience and personal style.
Sender transmits the message
- Select a communication channel ie telephone, letter, memo, e-mail etc. This also depends on the message, audience, location, media avalaible, speed and formality required.
Receiver gets the message
- Physical act of receiving the message
Receiver decodes the message
- Your receiver extracts your idea from the message in a way he understands it. This process is called decoding.
- If all goes well, the receiver interprets your message as you wanted them to.
Receiver sends feedback
- Through feedback, one can evaluate the effectiveness of your message.