
Explain the commonly used strategies for implementing change


Q: Explain the commonly used strategies for implementing change. As a strategic manager, were you to implement change which strategy would you find most helpful and why? Write three (3) paragraphs.

Manage Resistance to change

No organtration can But the thought of change raises patterns. Almost economic inconvenience, ncertainty, and a break in normal social any in structure, technology, people or strategies has the poten disrupt comfortable interaction patterns. For this reason. people resist hange. The strategic- management process can impose major changes on individuals and processes. Reorienting an to people to think and act strategically ot an easy task. Strategy implementa- tion can pose threat man and employees. New power and lationships are largely realized. New formal and formal groups' values, and priorities may be roles, unknown. Managers and employees may become in resistance behavior as their prerogatives, and power in the firm change. Disruption of social and political structures that accompany strategy execution must be anticipated and considered during strategy formula tion and managed during strategy implementation.

Resistance to change may be the single-greatest threat to successful strategy implementa- tion. Resistance regularly occurs in organizations in the form of sabotaging production machines absenteeism, filing unfounded grievances, and an unwillingness to cooperate. People often resist strategy implementation because they do not understand what is bappening or why changes are taking place. In that case, employees may simply need accurate informat Successful strategy implementation hinges on managers' ability to develop an organizational climate conducive change. Change must be viewed by managers and employees as an opportunity for the firm to compete more effectively, rather than being seen as a threat to everyone s livelihood.

Resistance to change can emerge at any stage or level of the strategy-implementation pro- cess. Although there are various approaches for implementing changes, three commonly used strategies are a force change strategy, an educative change strategy, and a rational or self-interest change strategy. A force change strategy involves giving orders and enforcing those orders; this strategy has the advantage of being fast, but it is plagued by low commitment and high resistance. The educative change strategy is one that presents information to convince people of the need for change: the disadvantage of an educative change strategy is that implementa- tion becomes slow and difficult.

However, this type of strategy evokes greater commitment and less resistance than does the force change strategy. Finally, a rational change strategy or self interest change strategy is one that attempts to convince individuals that the change is to the personal advantage. When this appeal is successful, strategy implementation can be relatively easy. However, implementation changes are seldom to everyone's advantage.

Strategists can take a number of positive to minimize managers' and employees resistance to change. For example, individuals who will be affected by a change should be involved in the decision to make in decisions about how to implement the chan Strategists should anticipate changes and develop and offer training and development work- that can adapt They need to effectively communicate the need for changes. Strategy implementation is basically a process of managin change.

The most successful organizations today continuously adapt to changes in the environment. It is not sufficient toda to simply react to change. Managers need to change and be the creator of chang cha unfreeze behavior, change the an old management doctrine regarding change process is in stark contratt behavior, and then refreeze the new behavior. The new "continuous organizational change" phi mirror the continuous uality improvement philosophy".

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Strategic Management: Explain the commonly used strategies for implementing change
Reference No:- TGS02112690

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