Assignment task:
Vital Signs: HR 110, RR 24 BP 140/72, Temp 94.8 oral, O2 sat-93%
Frances Cortez is a 18- year- old single, Hispanic, female college student. Presents at student health services.
Chief Complaint:
"I knew everything. I made stupid mistakes. I couldn't think when I took the test."
History of Chief Complaint:
Frances experienced severe anxiety after failing a test one week ago. The student had never had trouble academically before. She felt she knew all the information, but became extremely anxious when the professor emphasized how important the test was. She couldn't focus on the test questions. Later, when talking to her adviser, her chest tightened and she felt her heart pounding and started sweating profusely.
Past Psychiatric History:
History of minor anxiety in high school. Denied any history of panic symptoms. No history of any psychiatric hospitalizations or treatment. No history of eating disorders or self-interest behaviors.
Explain the Clinical Course of anxiety to Henry. Include any cultural considerations. (Elaborate on at least 3 concepts)