
Explain the challenges of cyber security


Create a 9 page paper with references in APA format.

TOPIC: Cyber Security

NARROWED TOPIC: Challenges of Cyber Security

THESIS: While It helps to protect us, businesses and their customers from someone falsely representing something as beneficial to them or to infiltrate our systems, it is in great need to be expanded on in order to safeguard us, and to create a safer environment protecting companies and our personal information and data, but it can and does fail to provide us complete security.

TITLE: Protecting the Homefront

I. Protecting the Homefront

II. Security

A. How to Choose a Safe Password

1. Whois Key to Secure Passwords

2. The significance of Two-Factor verification

III. Malware

A. What Is Malware?

1. How to Get Malware on your Computer?

IV. Privacy

A. Ways to Avoid Identity Theft Online

B. Ways to Protect Yourself from Cyber stalkers

V. Data Breaches

A. Are Data Breaches Going Away

B. Vigilance Defense against Data Breach

VI. Safe Computing

A. Significance of General Software Updates as well as Patches

B. Meaning of Man in the Middle Attack?

VII. Conclusion

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Other Subject: Explain the challenges of cyber security
Reference No:- TGS01972730

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