
explain the centrifuge - microbiological

Explain the Centrifuge - Microbiological Apparatus and Equipments?

Centrifuge is used for separating the substance in liquid or concentrating the microorganisms on the basis of size or mass under centrifugal force (noted as rpm).  Depending upon the speed limit, centrifuges may be:

(a)  Low Speed (Maximum Speed 5000 rpm)

(b)  High Speed (18000 rpm)

(c)  Ultra Centrifuges (20000 to 60000 rpm)

The centrifuge consists of a head or rotor (of various sizes), which hold the tubes containing the material to be separated. The rotor is revolved by an upright motor. After completion of centrifugation, particulate matter settles down at the bottom of tubes and can be separated.

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Biology: explain the centrifuge - microbiological
Reference No:- TGS0292474

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