Explain the causes and dynamics of intimate partner

Assignment Task: Please respond to this question and provide a reference

Here's the question and reading

Psychologists and sociologists have developed several theories that explain the causes and dynamics of intimate partner and family violence so that we can protect victims, help change abusers and yet hold them accountable for their actions. This forum asks you to take the role of either a psychologist or a sociologist and apply a theory from the assigned discipline to the case of Yeardley Love. Read the Wikipedia page on the Murder of Yeardley Love.

The murder of Yeardley Love, gives an example of feminist theory of domestic violence. This theory can be used in this case to look at the case in a different light.

Based on my findings, violence is often produced by some form of violent or negative condition.

The type of theory depends on the nature of the events and conditions that produced the violence. Feminist theory is the augmentation of women's rights into hypothetical, fictitious, or philosophical talk (2023). It is expected to better understand the idea of gender inequality. It looks at men and women social jobs, encounters, interests, chores, and feminist politics issues in an assortment of fields. Feminist theory frequently centers around breaking down the gender inequality.

In using the feminist theory viewpoint, this could possibly explain how feminist theory influenced Huguely's behavior in Yeardley Love's murder. When doing a compare and contrast on their backgrounds, Love was raised in a two-parent home, where as Hughley's mom divorced his dad at a young age (2023). This act could have initiated his mental aspects to change. Although both Love and Huguely went to prep schools, Hughley's father male role has a generational background of  strong men with very high-profile successful jobs (2023). Trying to live up to his father's expectations added stress, anger and disappointment in his mind. Prior to their relationship Huguely had an history of underage possession of alcohol, public drunkenness and resisting arrest that he didn't tell anyone about (2023). With his father's financial status and his status on the lacrosse team may have given him the false impression he can have what he wants and take what he wants. Huguely exhibits aggressive behavior, triggered by alcoholism which caused some rough time in their relationship (2023). With the physical, verbal and mental abuse, Love seemed to want out of the relationship (2023). This  challenged Huguely's power and masculinity. This could have possible ignited a form of rage that was uncontrollable.

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