
Explain the campaign relies on pseudoscience


Pseudoscience Papers

Chose a consumer product that uses pseudoscience in its advertising campaign. As an example, consider this ivory soap ad campaign. They claim, it is "so pure it floats"... Well, gasoline also floats... so what is wrong with this statement? (the soap floats because it is less dense than water since air is added to the soap when it is made)

Describe the product and its ad campaign

-Explain why you think thing the campaign relies on pseudoscience (you may find it helpful to address some or all of the "10 questions" from the Forbes article).

1.)What is the source?

2.) What is the agenda?

3.)What kind of language does it use?

4.) Does it involve testimonials?

5.) Are there claims of exclusivity?

6.) Is there mention of a conspiracy of any kind?

7.) Does the claim involve multiple unassociated disorders?

8.) Is there a money trail or passionate belief involved?

9.) Where real scientific processes involved?

10.) Is there expertise?


-Must be typed

-Single space or 1.5 space

-11 to 12 point font

-Length in not important, your paper will probably end up being around 2 pages long.

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Physics: Explain the campaign relies on pseudoscience
Reference No:- TGS02951492

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