
explain the behavioural change communicationone

Explain the Behavioural change communication?

One of the reasons for the widespread prevalence of PEM in our country is ignorance due to illiteracy, particularly among the females. Therefore, there is a need to change the behaviour in these women through effective communication programmes. Person-to-person communication, cooking demonstrations, and mass media like television and radio are some of the tools that are available. We should convince the community, particularly the mothers about the need for proper diet to children for normal growth and to prevent them developing PEM. She should be made aware that the main reason for PEM is shortage of food either as a result of poverty or due to inequitable intra family distribution of foods. You should be equipped to give I advice on complementary feeding and be able to inform the mothers as to the types of foods that could be given to young children. Box G highlights essential components of prevention of PEM.

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Biology: explain the behavioural change communicationone
Reference No:- TGS0308070

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