
explain the beginthread function used in the

Explain the BeginThread Function used in the NetWare example code

BeginThread(MyThread Function, stack,size, arg)

BeginThread creates a thread and places it on the NetWare run queue. The new thread's context is the current running NLM and the current thread group. Context will be discussed later in this section and is also discussed in depth in "Resource Ownership and Control" later in this chapter.

The developer must pass a function pointer (MyThread Function), an optional stack pointer(size) and an optional 32-bit argument (arg). If the stack pointer is passed as NULL NetWare will create, maintain, and free a stack for the thread begin created. If the stack size passed is 0, NetWare will assign default stack size. The 32-bit argument will be passed to the My ThreadFunction when initiated.


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Operating System: explain the beginthread function used in the
Reference No:- TGS0289626

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