This week you learned about fundamentals of the electronic information system. One way to learn something is to teach that concept to someone else. For this Assignment, you will begin a two-part project here in the first unit. You will create a Microsoft PowerPoint® slideshow that highlights different areas of the chapter as if you were going to be teaching this to new HIT students coming into your facility. Focus on the information in this unit because once you get to Unit 2 you will add on to your presentation. This will be considered the presentation for session one of your HIT student training. Please include the following topics in your presentation:
- Basic concepts of an information system
- Different information and support systems
- System development life cycle
- Decision support system
- Information architecture
Please dedicate at least three slides to each topic. Session one of your slide show must have at least 15-20 slides. Please use the notes section to clarify anything that might be confusing and anything that needs elaboration such as definitions.