
Explain the background of one of the given training videos


Your paper will analyze two of the trainings and should cover the following concepts. The organization of your paper will be like a report, so please use headings to organize the report. Your boss wants to know if you think these training modules will work for some upcoming training. The training will be for 25 people in your organization, at a cost of $150 per seat, for access for 2 weeks. You will be reporting to your boss as to whether you think your organization should purchase these trainings to use. You will provide a one-page analysis (each) for each of the trainings; and then on your final one to two pages, you will discuss the business case for using these modules (or not using them). This might include the cost-effectiveness of providing these modules as training to your organization, the benefits of using these modules for training, or any downsides and alternatives you recommend to the use of these modules. Based on your best estimate, determine whether you feel the value of the training will be recouped by the organization through a benefit (savings) or whether it will be borne by the organization as a necessary expense. Feel free to supplement your analysis with your own assumed facts. (Be as creative as you want to be.)

Page 1

Explain the background of one of the training videos, the content, the learning objectives that it would meet, the time frame it will take, and the style of learners it will appeal to.

Provide a brief analysis as to the quality of the training tutorial and whether it seems worth $150 per seat, and provide at least one alternative training method that could be done (and at approximately what cost). Use at least one alternative method of training discussed in Chapter 7. Finally discuss the cost of live-styled traditional training-hiring an expert in the field of the tutorial's topic-or whether you feel you have in-house experts who could do this training just as well. These alternatives can be summarized and explained briefly.

Page 2

Write a similar analysis and write-up of the second training video. Where your thoughts are the same as for the first video, you can briefly summarize by saying, "This training is similar to the first module in the areas of . . ." Then move into what is different. Perhaps there are benefits as a result of the two modules being similar; explain these in your paper as well.

Pages 3 and 4

Propose to either use these videos for your training or some alternative method for training. In your proposal, explain to your boss (using professional-style writing) the reasons for your choice. Include the concepts that are covered in Chapters 7 and 8 as reasons for or against the use of the training tutorials or videos or modules or your alternative method you proposed on pages 1 and 2. Provide your final recommendation in your concluding paragraph.

Title Page and Executive Summary

On the front page of the report, use a title page. On page 2, create a brief executive summary (four to five sentences, tops) that provides to your supervisor the topic of your proposal with your final recommendation. Assume that your supervisor may want to use that document to send up the chain as a training recommendation, so include any specific numbers you feel are important in that document. (Note that APA sixth edition does not provide for executive summaries; instead, it discusses abstracts. APA sixth edition is for scholarly publications and not business writing. Because this is a report to your supervisor, title it as an executive summary to get practice in business writing method.)


You have just graduated from DeVry University Online and have landed your first job as a contract consultant for a web development company. You will work as a consultant through a temporary service for a period of six months, and then, if all goes well, you will be offered a permanent position with benefits. Your wife of two years is very excited, and she is working in a dead-end position for a man who has been harassing her for the last four months. And furthermore, as soon as you get benefits, she would like to start having a family. You are a very motivated employee. In month four of your six-month probation, you receive a new assignment from your boss. The assignment is to set up a website which explains how to procure various different chemicals and substances as well as link to another site online where individuals may legally purchase anhydrous ammonia. You realize within minutes that you've been assigned to create a website to help people produce crystallized methamphetamines, a legal and illegal black-market drug. You've selected to approach your boss with the assignment and hesitantly ask for an appointment to discuss it. Your boss, a rather distant and nasty man, gives you a thumbs down and says, "Ugh, I'm busy. Go get the assignment done! The client prepaid it, and it's a rush order." You look down at the paper and see the gold star in the corner, which means it is to be done within 24 hours. As the employee, what do you do? Type in your solution, and then check it against the three sample solutions. Do you agree with the sample solutions or do you disagree? Feel free to discuss the differences and similarities or any questions you have about this in the threads this week. [End of Audio]


Business ethics is the study of how managers and other employees are to act in certain situations. This simulation provides an opportunity to consider challenges presented to employees seeking to act ethically in the performance of their duties within a multinational corporation. MegaComp International, Inc. is a leading manufacturer of antivirus software, firewall software and other computer security components. The company enjoys an excellent reputation among its customers and suppliers. Employee morale is high, and ethics is a priority at the company. The systems and products of MegaComp have been selling well in its already existing markets in the United States, Japan and Europe; but like any company, MegaComp is eager to grow the business. At a strategy session, the MegaComp CEO, Jan Werner, and division managers decide to explore the potential of expanding their business to China. The market looks like a good fit to MegaComp products, but there could be a problem. MegaComp managers tell CEO Werner that China makes franchise decisions city-by-city, district-by-district.

A payoff is usually required to get licenses. What should CEO Werner say to the division chiefs? Ethical decisions made by senior officers in a corporation can impact their subordinates as they try to carry out their duties. A natural loyalty to the company can come into conflict with ethical decision making. MegaComp begins business in China, making facilitating payments through intermediaries to ensure the necessary licenses. The business contacts in China are pleased with the arrangement and do not see any ethical implications to the practice. You have been recently hired by MegaComp and just relocated to its Hong Kong contracting office, handling the new business in China. You have just gone over the business arrangements and have noticed the facilitating payments issue. You can also see that the CEO approved the plan. You've just received a phone call from CEO Werner, who asks you how you are enjoying the new position in Hong Kong.

Leaders have a special role in setting ethical standards within a corporation and are frequently asked to be mentors for junior personnel who face ethical issues in the workplace. One of your subordinates comes to you with questions regarding the facilitating payments aspect of business operations in China. She tells you that she is uncomfortable with the practice and wonders if she will face criminal liability when she makes the first payments next week. You assure her that Chinese law does not prohibit these payments in any way. Relieved, she returns to her office and makes plans to meet with her intermediaries to make the facilitating payments. As you sit in your office, you wonder if you should Business_Ethics Page 2 of 2 Page 2 of 2 check with the legal office back at MegaComp's American headquarters to see if there is any liability under United States law. Even though giving bribes, or facilitating payments, is an acceptable business practice around the world, bribery is becoming more expensive around the world because of its business transparency.

This has led to more government agencies cracking down on the practice. Globally, consumers are also becoming aware of the costs of corruption. While bribes and payoff requests are frequently associated with large construction projects, turnkey capital projects and large commodity or equipment contracts overseas, companies that do business internationally, and their employees, must be aware that bribes are an ethical issue subject to legal scrutiny. Prudence, as with all ethical issues, should be the starting point in analyzing such situations.

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HR Management: Explain the background of one of the given training videos
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