
explain the autoregulation function of kidneysthe

Explain the Autoregulation function of kidneys

The kidneys possess the property of autoregulation. This means that the blood flow in the kidneys remain constant. It is independent of the blood pressure changes, provided this pressure is within the range of 80-120 mm Hg. The glomerular blood flow and GFR are not affected by the small changes in blood pressure.

But if after haemorrhage or due to any other reason, the blood pressure falls to a very low level, the autoregulation is lost. The glomerular filtration rate is reduced and may stop, resulting in anuria (no urine). With this, we come to an end of our discussion on the organ responsible for urine formation i.e. the kidney and its functions, both excretory and non-excretory, in our body. Let us now follow the path which the urine takes in the urinary system in its way out of the body. Once the urine is formed, it enters the ureters. Let us get to know more about the ureters.

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Science: explain the autoregulation function of kidneysthe
Reference No:- TGS0285032

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