
Explain the authors concerns with the language of policing


Drawing from the Textbook by Peak, K.J. and R.W. Glensor (2016). Community and Problem-Oriented Policing: Effectively Addressing Crime and Disorder, 7th edition. Upper Saddle River, New Jersey: Prentice Hall.

I. Explain the authors' concerns with the language of policing in general, and particularly the tendency to use new labels and to create new eras of policing.

II. Review the drivers and factors that will in?uence policing in the future.

III. In what ways will technologies will assist and shape policing in the future?

IV. How can problem-oriented policing help to address terrorism? Cyber crime? Focus on use of the SARA model.

V. Explain how today's police executives can provide strong leadership in the future, particularly in the areas of militarization, public trust, succession planning, civilianization, and maintaining the role and functions of community policing.

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