Explain the article interrelational processes involved


(1)Influence of Informal Groups

Informal groups exist in almost every kind of organization. Answer the following questions and provide examples to support your position:

· What types of informal groups do you belong to in your workplace?

· How do norms of the informal groups to which you belong influence your behavior and that of other group members?

(2) Positive Interdependence and Knowledge Sharing

Select a contemporary article that you perceive as demonstrating positive interdependence and knowledge sharing. Using the course textbook, the article, and at least one other scholarly source, explain how the article proves or refutes the interrelational processes involved.

Required Resources


Read the following chapters in Group behavior in organizations:

· Chapter: Interpersonal Relations, Communication and Group Effectiveness

· Chapter: Diversity

Recommended Resources


Calderon, A. (Producer), & Riggen, P. (Director). (2015). The 3 [Motion picture]. Chile: Warner Bros.

· This film supports the Destructive Communication assignment this week.

Forbes (2015, January 9). How Admiral Michelle Howard is innovating within the Navy

· This video supports the Positive Interdependence and Knowledge Sharing discussion this week.

McChrystal, S. (2011). Listen, learn...Then lead

· This video supports the Influence of Informal Groups discussion this week. This video has closed captioning and a transcript that can be accessed here:

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Business Law and Ethics: Explain the article interrelational processes involved
Reference No:- TGS03047409

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