
Explain the ancient egyptian wisdom

This is my very last assignment for this course and for my entire career bachelors wise. It needs to be 3 FULL PAGES or More. And it needs to be as excellent,  even more excellent than you have already provided for me because I received a 90 on the last assignment and if I get a 90 again I will then get an A- and I'll be very upset as well as this is the last impression to my teacher before she puts the grade in, I need this grade for my overall GPA for my masters.  Please KOLL make this assignment not only A +++ work but outstanding I know you can do it for you already have and yoh have two nights.  I start my masters in 2 weeks where I will have 5 classes at once and will pay you for all of them just please make me proud on this last one!! youre Very intelligent man. mail me ANY questions for I get them ASAP on my phone and will answer a lot sooner! Knock my teacher out of the water please I need it.

The teachings in the Book of Proverbs are mostly from parents to children, however they are constructed as monologues, as the voice of the son is never heard.  In an Ancient Egyptian Wisdom Text we find one occurrence in which the son responds to his father's teaching by insisting that the vigorous moral demands are beyond his capacity even if appropriate for the father.  

Imagine yourself as the son or daughter of the parent-teacher quoted in Prov 1:8-19.  Think of the message the text is conveying in terms of modern day life situations and values and compose a dialogue between a parent and a son/daughter based on that passage.

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Other Subject: Explain the ancient egyptian wisdom
Reference No:- TGS0523006

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