
Explain the analysis the china stock market testing

Major:investment and finance


Topic: Analysis the china stock market: testing weak-form efficiency between 2005 and 2015

Dissertation format:

- Title page
- Abstract
- Acknowledgements
- Table of contents, including tables, diagrams and appendices
- List of abbreviations
- The main body of the submission
- References
- Bibliography
- Appendices

The main body of the submission

- Chapter One - Introduction
- Chapter Two - Literature Review
- Chapter Three - Research Methodology
- Chapter Four - Primary Data Findings and Analysis
- Chapter Five - Comparative Analysis
- Chapter Six - Conclusions and Recommendations

Chapter one

Introduction (2000-3000 words)

- Research problem
- Research questions
- Research methodology (anticipated / brief)
- Intended outcomes
- Limitations of the research
- Journey (structure) of the research (summary to chapter)

Indicative aims and objectives

This study applies a classical framework of testing market efficiency.

The main objective of this study is to examine whether the two major Chinese stock markets in Shanghai and in Shenzhen are weak-form efficient over the period 2005-2015.

Purpose of this study is also to find out whether Chinese stock returns violate the random walk hypothesis.

The specific objectives of the study are:

• To determine whether the Chinese stock market follows a random walk model or is weak-form efficient
• To determine whether the Chinese stock market exhibits a trend towards increased efficiency over time
• To determine whether there is difference in the returns between the days of the week

Chapter two

Literature Review (4000-5000 words)

Chapter three

Research Methodology
Indicative data collection methods

To examine Chinese market efficiency, the data used in this study are daily price index data for Chinese stock exchanges in Shanghai and Shenzhen. The data of daily price indices are collected from the DataStream and the observation period ranges from February 21, 2005 to February 21, 2015.

This topic has two hypotheses,

The first one; The Chinese stock market follows a random walk/is a weak-form efficient

(It using various statistical tests including serial correlation runs test, variance ratio and unit root tests. Serial correlation, variance ratio and runs tests are performed on the three sub-samples and the full sample. )

The second one: There is no difference in return between the day of the week. (It using OLS regression and tests for unit root and day-of-the-week effect are performed only on the full sample.)

Repaid for data analysis, it should use Eviews and SPSS software to analysis data. The table also needs to be reflected in the appendix.

Probably on these requirements,The writers can master by themselves.

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Finance Basics: Explain the analysis the china stock market testing
Reference No:- TGS01548131

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