
explain the air space and outer spacethe


The scientific advancements made by mankind in the past 100 years are a lot more than the overall scientific development of last 1000 years. Technology has made the flow of information faster than ever, where an event taking place in one part of the world can be seen and its impact felt even in another part of the world. It is said that information knows no boundaries. All the technological advancements, be it the robotics or genetics, bio chemistry or nuclear physics, have not only made life more livable but at the same time more complex. From "hot" wars to the cold wars, mankind has now ushered into an age of star wars. There was a time when states used to fight over land masses, and then with the development of navy and exploration of sea routes, humanity witnessed the spread and dread of colonization. States that had a more powerful navy ruled the history of 18th  and 19th  century. States in their quest of greater influence and a better claim over their territory (with exception of expansionist states that even wanted to claim control over other territories on the sheer dint of muscle in the pre World War II era) expanded their territorial boundaries from land into the oceans, and with the advent of modern aviation, this quest even ventured in the air space. All these aspects in a states life are very well covered by international law. In international law the importance of air and outer space lies in the fact that every state is given the sovereignty over the air space and outer space above their territorial area. The air above the territory of a state is considered to be part of that State and has full rights over it and  intervention by  any  other State  without permission would lead  to  the  violation of  the territorial boundaries. The air space must be distinguished from the outer space, the former relates to the area where there can be a positive executive control over aircraft flying in that airspace. On the other hand, the outer space is referred to as the relatively empty regions of the universe outside the atmospheres of celestial bodies.



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