Hochschild thought emotional labor was bad for the worker. Explain what emotional labor is. Then explain why she thought it was bad for workers if they actually felt the emotions they presenting to customers, and why she thought it was bad if workers did not actually feel the emotions they present to customers.
1. Explain the difference between reproductive labor and wage labor, and then provide two different examples of how the two rely on each other.
2. Explain Taylor's theory of scientific management, and how "time & motion studies/assessments" worked.
3. Explain how the recycling work described by Gowan was both separate from and a part of the formal economy. Then explain why the homeless men did this kind of work instead of selling drugs or going on welfare.
4. Taylor was against soldiering. Explain what soldering is, then explain why he thought it was bad for workers and employers. Finally, discuss the three reasons why he thought it was happening.
5. Explain each of Marx's four forms of alienation. which form of alienation kicks off the chain of societal doom, and which one occurs last.