
explain taxonomists as synthesisersyour study of

Explain Taxonomists as Synthesisers?

Your study of the earlier units of taxonomy, in particular its history must have made you aware that the field of taxonomy has changed considerably. Nowadays, it is a very dynamic and broad field and no longer deserves the reputation that persists even today, among some biologists of being a dry and static field. It is no longer limited to just preserving and cataloguing organisms.

After going through this unit you will realise of hat taxonomists today do not depend on morphological data alone, but use long with it, relevant information and techniques from the scientific field of physics, chemistry, biochemistry, cell biology, ethology, mathematics etc. The present day taxonomists thus try to use whenever possible or wherever available a synthesis. of relevant data and techniques from other scientific fields for identifying organisms and so can aptly be called 'synthesisers' of biological knowledge and techniques.

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Biology: explain taxonomists as synthesisersyour study of
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