
Explain tactics use to achieve win-win negotiation

Assignment task: Assume that you are the director of community outreach and engagement in a local non-governmental health organization. Your department recently applied for a $250,000 grant to deal with youth substance use behavior in your jurisdiction. As part of your proposed activities, you will be organizing a community outreach to raise awareness of the immediate and long-term health effects of tobacco and alcohol use. After submitting the grant, your department was split into two; the decision was taken in response to a recommendation from the board of directors. The newly established department: Substance Abuse Prevention was to be headed by a newly hired employee. Three months after the separation, you received notification that the grant application was successful. Upon receiving the grant, the new director of the Substance Abuse Prevention unit, complains to the chief executive officer (CEO) that her department should oversee the implementation of the proposed intervention activities. However, you strongly believe that your department has the human resources required to successfully carry out the activities with/out the support of the new department. At the organization's staff meeting, the new director insisted that her department should be responsible for managing the grant and leading implementation efforts, to which you vehemently disagree. Following the verbal disagreement, the CEO has appointed you to lead the negotiation process in resolving the issue.

1. Using the Integrative Negotiating (Interest Based Bargaining) approach, discuss how to approach this, creating hypothetical scenarios where necessary. [Hint: Go through each of the five Interest Based Bargaining (IBB) processes].

2. Identify and explain four tactics that could be use to achieve a win-win negotiation.

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Reference No:- TGS03308042

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