
Explain symptoms victims will experience and display

Develop a comprehensive Recovery Plan for one of the Chemical Attack on the Super Bowl. 
Explain the specific agent used in the attack and the effects of the agent on victims, and surrounding areas, if appropriate. 
Explain symptoms victims will experience and display. 

Identify which government agencies (local, state, and federal) will need to be involved in the response to the terrorist attack. 
Explain the appropriate role and responsibility for all agencies involved. 
List communication methods between first responders and involved agencies; and identify necessary information that will need to be communicated to the public. 

Explain the unique challenges first responders will face when responding to the attack. 
Identify the proper Personnel Protective Equipment (PPE) that will be needed when responding to the attack. 
Explain how first responders should establish a perimeter and how large the containment effort should be. 

Explain what sort of decontamination procedures and equipment will be necessary to treat victims. 
Identify the appropriate decontamination stage for the attack, and explain initial decontamination considerations. 
Explain the type of evidence first responders should be looking for, and how first responders can preserve any evidence. 
Discuss the effect the attack will have on the area.  

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Reference No:- TGS0152241

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