
explain some weight loss during


Explain some Weight Loss during breastfeeding?

Some women may want to return quickly to their pre-pregnancy weight. It is important to remember that some women will lose more, whereas others may maintain or even gain weight. Moderate to severe caloric restriction and rapid weight loss is not recommended because it can decrease milk production. This is especially important in the early weeks of lactation before the process is firmly established. Therefore, a gradual rate of weight loss in the first 6 months and that exercise is the best way to reduce excess weight. However, intense exercise can raise the lactic acid concentration of breast milk which influences the taste of milk. A study has shown that infants appear to prefer milk produced prior to exercise.

Among well-nourished mothers, those who exercised demonstrated a higher level of fitness, a lower percentage of body fat and higher level of energy expenditure as compared to sedentary women. There was no difference between the groups in plasma hormones or milk energy, lipid, protein or lactose content. Exercising women tended to have a higher milk volume. It has been recommended that energy intakes should not fall below 1500 Kcal/day at any time during lactation.

The cost of providing adequate nutritional support to the mother depends mostly on what foods she can afford and selects. The cost of providing appropriate foods for the lactating mother is cheaper than feeding the infant with animal milk, if economical food choices are made. Human milk is a vital national resource, which could markedly improve the health and nutritional status of children.

This section briefed upon the nutritional requirements of the mother during lactation and some general dietary and medical considerations to be borne in mind for maintaining a safe and healthy lactation. With this, we end our discussions on. This topic and hope that the information given here would be of great help in managing diverse practical situations.

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Biology: explain some weight loss during
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