As a business analyst, you need to understand the potential impact of data visualization on decision making in a business scenario. Throughout this course, you have read about using descriptive analytics and applied various data visualization models to analyze, present, and make recommendations on data. In your reflection, you will discuss your understanding of the impact of bias on data visualization and reflect on the AICPA Data Analytics Modeling Certificate course.
As you record your video in the Bongo tool, consider the following criteria:
1) Analyst Bias
a) How might the following play a role in an analyst's interpretation of statistical results?
i) How the human brain works and how it perceives visual stimuli
ii) The built-in biases that are part of decision making
b) How might these influence an analyst's recommendations?
2) Data Generation Bias
a) Based on what you learned about the data life cycle in the AICPA certificate course, at what points are there possibilities for bias to enter a data set or a data warehouse?
b) Explain some ways that an analyst can mitigate this bias.
c) How will this change the way you approach your next analysis project?
3) Course Reflection
a) What did you enjoy learning about the most in this descriptive analytics course?
b) How do you think the skills from these courses will help you in your current or future career?
c) What might you want to learn next? Why?
d) What credential might you want to earn next? Why?