Explain some of steps he took in order to bring regulation


Chose two of the four essay questions listed below and answer in, at least, three paragraphs per question.

A. The U.S. entered World War II after the Japanese Imperial Navy bombed the naval base at Pearl Harbor. Had that not happened, would the U.S. have joined the war? Could it have been won without U.S. help?

B. President Roosevelt's very first act upon taking office was to close all the banks in the U.S. He then had all the money counted at all the banks to see which ones would be allowed to reopen and which ones would not. With all of the other problems in the country at the time, why did he focus upon the banks? Explain some of the steps he took in order to bring regulation to the banking industry. How did those regulations help the banking industry and the economy?

C. In the Second New Deal, President Roosevelt created an 'old age pension' fund known as Social Security. Social Security is still being used today. It is one of the few programs from the New Deal to survive to the modern day. What was the original purpose of Social Security? In your opinion, is Social Security a good thing for the U.S.? Why or why not?

D. Why didn't any country in Europe stand up to Hitler as he began to invade other countries? Had any other country done so, would World War Il even taken place? Or was it inevitable that the war would have happened regardless of what the other countries of Europe did? Why or why not?

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History: Explain some of steps he took in order to bring regulation
Reference No:- TGS03346302

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