
explain some feeding considerations or nutrition

Explain some Feeding Considerations or Nutrition Support?

The preferred route for feeding the patient should be oral intake1 via the utilization of gastrointestinal tract. If oral intake is feasible, natural foods may be given in the form of semi-soft1 full-fluid diets. However, if oral intake is not possible then we should opt for enteral feedings which call be prepared from natural foods (absence of MODS/ complications) Commercially available foods (intact, hydrolyzed or semi-hydrolized formulas) parenteral nutrition should be provided if other forms of provided.

From the above discussion it must be clear to you that the dietary management of septic patients, especially those suffering from MODS is complex and needs to be altered after every few hours depending on the clinical parameters which are analyzed at least 24 hourly. In this section we learnt about sepsis and MODS which are among the most critical and life threatening conditions for human beings. Let us attempt the check your progress exercise 3 to recapitulate the concepts learnt so far.

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Biology: explain some feeding considerations or nutrition
Reference No:- TGS0304074

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