
Explain socratess view in the laches that virtue is a form


Answer only one of the questions below following all the instructions provided on the "paper instructions" document.

1. Choose one of the proposed definitions of "courage" in the Laches and show how Socrates uses the Socratic Method (elenchus) to refute that proposal. Be sure that in the course of your answer you define the Socratic Method. Do you think that the Socratic method is capable of making philosophical progress? Why or why not?

2. Explain Socrates's view in the Laches that virtue is a form of knowledge (the unity of the virtues). How does this view make akrasia impossible? How does Plato's tripartite account of the soul (which you should explain in your answer) both explain the possibility of akrasia and provide a way to avoid it?

3. What is Plato's view regarding how the philosopher should view death as expressed in the Phaedo? How does Plato employ his dualistic metaphysics and his theory of Forms in the argument for the immortality of the soul? Be sure that you define/explain both Platonic Dualism and the theory of Forms in your answer.

4. According to Sextus Empiricus what is the goal (end) of skepticism? Discuss at least two of the arguments (modes) that Sextus provides to support this conclusion. Do you think that Sextus's skepticism is self-defeating? Why or why not?

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Other Subject: Explain socratess view in the laches that virtue is a form
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