
Explain social psychologist develop ways to increase empathy

For this assignment, write a 5-7 page paper examining an issue in the field of social psychology. Choose a controversy from the list provided and use the Capella library to find 3-5 peer-reviewed articles concerning the topic. Using your book (Social Psychology and Human Nature by Roy F.Baumeister & Brad J.Bushaman) and the articles you find, describe both sides of the issue and apply theory and research to the issue. Be sure to describe what you learned in the articles you found and explain why they are credible references and how they are relevant to the topic. You are required to use APA to format your paper and cite your references. Please include a title page, an abstract, and a reference section.


Does true altruism exist? Do people ever help for truly altruistic reasons or do people really help others because of egotistic reasons, to make themselves feel better? Based on your research, should social psychologist develop ways to increase empathy, prosocial behavior, helping, and altruism? What are the ethical issues involved with using social programs to promote social change?

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Reference No:- TGS0534463

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