Problem 1: Critically explain the target group of the given program in the following topics based on the given MEALS ON WHEELS.
Problem 2: Explain the importance and significance of this health promotion program in the target population. Use credible evidence to support your point of view.
Problem 3: Describe aims, level of disease prevention and conceptual framework (Upstream/midstream/downstream) of the given program
Problem 4: Identify and explain the health promotion principles, theoretical frameworks (i.e., upstream/midstream/downstream) and strategies that have been applied to the given community-based health promotion program.
Please choose the relevant health promotion strategies on the list below: • Advocacy for health • Enable • Mediation
5. Critically evaluate the appropriateness of the health promotion activities/interventions that have been incorporated into the given community-based health promotion program such as lifestyle change program, health education session, screening test etc.
Explain clearly with in text citations and references