1) Define Hooke’s law in detail.
2) What do you mean by rigidity modulus?
3) Write down the difference between open coiled and closed coiled helical springs.
4) Write down the assumptions in torsion of circular shaft.
5) What do you mean by kinematic viscosity?
6) Write down the difference between notch and weir
7) Write down the difference between centrifugal and reciprocating pumps
8) Describe the function of air vessel in a reciprocating pump.
9) How do you categorize hydraulic turbines?
10) Describe the use of draft tube.
11) Steel bar is 0.7m long. For first 0.2m length, it is 25mm in diameter and next 0.3m length, it is 20mm in diameter and remaining 0.2m, it is 15mm in diameter. Determine the change in length, if it is subjected to the tensile load of 100kN. Take Young’s modulus E as 0.21MN/mm2.