
Explain regulations governing use of performance supplements

Discuss at least 2 popular performance enhancing supplements or drugs. Indicate whether or not you would implement these supplements into the plan for your athlete. You must provide a defense for your choice. It is recommended that you back up your claims with scientific research.

Discuss regulations governing the use of commonly used performance enhancing supplements and drugs specifically related to your sport. Include in your discussion the pertinent national or world associations directly involved in supplement regulation. Discuss how you would counsel an athlete that is using a banned substance.

The student will write a 1 - 2 page paper, with reference, addressing the following criteria:

1. The student describes the function and use of 2 popular performance enhancing supplements or drugs.

2. The student cites at least 1 research study related to nutrition supplementation and athletic performance.

3. The student discusses regulations governing performance enhancing supplements and drugs.

4. The student identifies organizations related to supplement regulation.

5. The student appropriately counsels an athlete that is using a banned substance.

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Other Subject: Explain regulations governing use of performance supplements
Reference No:- TGS0536706

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