
Explain r connells concept of hegemonic masculinity n your

ESSAY 1500 WORDS from one of the following questions!!

1. ‘Gender is constantly created and re-created out of human interaction, out of social life, and is the texture and order of that social life. Yet gender, like culture, is a human production that depends on everyone constantly "doing gender"'. (Lorber: 1980, p. 112). Discuss this statement.

2. Identify and discuss the key tenets of liberal, socialist and radical feminist thought. In you view which school of thought (if any) is most helpful in understanding and addressing inequality based on gender.

3. ‘Has feminism had its day?' (Walter: 1998, p. 1). Do you agree with this statement? Discuss with regards to the ways in which the feminist movement has sought to eradicate gender inequalities in Britain since the 1920s.

4. Many feminist writers, for example Betty Friedan (1963), have been criticised for overlooking the experiences of non-white women. How justified is this criticism and why do you think this is the case?

5. Explain R. Connell's concept of hegemonic masculinity.

6. In your view are concerns about a ‘crisis of masculinity' overstated? Give reasons for your answer.


Write your summary in the introduction

Write no more than one idea/argument (with supporting evidence) in each paragraph

Write your argument/judgement/idea as the first sentence of each paragraph

Take care to express yourself with clarity

Ensure that spelling and grammar are correct

Ensure that references are provided and listed in the correct format

Ensure that you provide a full bibliography in the correct format

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Dissertation: Explain r connells concept of hegemonic masculinity n your
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