
explain procedure for temporary mounts of fungal

Explain Procedure for Temporary Mounts of Fungal Culture?

(1) Observe mould culture for the colonial appearance and colour. Also observe the underside.

(2) Label the clean, non-greasy glass slide with the name of the organism using the permanent marker.

(3) Put a drop of lactophenol cotton blue stain on a slide. Gently take a fungal culture from the culture plate with the help of the dissecting needle and put it on the slide without damaging the fungal structure.

(4) Put a cover slip on the sample on the slide.

(5) Examine the preparations first under low power (10x) and then under high power (40x) objective.

(6) Take dimensions of various structures, i.e., hyphae, spores, reproductive bodies etc. if possible using calibrated ocular micrometer. Identify the culture, on the basis of colony morphology and microscopic observations.

(7) Record your observations and draw a representative microscopic field of your culture in the Observation and Result section herewith.

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Biology: explain procedure for temporary mounts of fungal
Reference No:- TGS0293105

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