
Explain platos doctrine of civil responsibility

Complete the mcq:

1 Ethics of the deontological school would drive the commanding officer (CO) to make what decision?

To seek the best welfare for his sailor

To take risks of courage

To calculate the best possible outcome

To ask what virtues he seeks to honor

To do his duty under rules and procedures

2 For the CO to think about what is best for all indicates what kind of decision making?

Ethical egoism

Utilitarian ethics

Care-based ethics

An Aristotelian excess of the virtue

The duty of the situation

3 If the CO's conscience was bothering him while making a decision, reading up on what ethicist would have made him aware of his thinking and deciding?

Ayn Rand

St. Anselm

St. Thomas Aquinas

John Locke

John Stuart Mill

4 What virtue is not shown if the CO shows unwillingness to contact the carrier air group commander about the welfare of his sailor because of fear?



The virtue of courage



5 If the CO follows a principle that relates to the first formulation of the categorical imperative, what is the proper term of Kant's that should be used?






6 When the CO wants to avoid doing "stupid things," what theory of ethics is he displaying?

Plato's doctrine of civil responsibility

Aristotle's doctrine of the mean

Hobbes' state of nature

Augustine's notion of sin

Locke's idea of social contract

7 The CO's concern to maximize the best outcomes for ship and crew applies which school of ethics?

Care-based school

Virtue-based school

Ends-based school

Avoidance of extremes position

Rules-based school

8 If the CO were to put concern for his personal reputation ahead of the needs of the injured sailor, what style of ethics would be operating?

Deficiency of courage

Kant's categorical imperative, second formulation

Aquinas' concept of natural law ethics

Ayn Rand's objectivism

James' logical positivism

9 For the CO to consider what the crew as a whole would want for handling the situation involves what kind of ethics?

Sphere of influence

Utilitarian ethics

Majority thinking

The principle of equity

Care-based ethics

10 If the CO were to take a care-based approach to this emergency situation, what would he do?

He would try to sympathize with the sailor and feel his pain.

He would try to figure out what he would want if he were the sailor and had suffered the injury.

He would contact the injured sailor's family at home.

He would follow the published instructions for this kind of emergency

He would get the carrier air group commander to send the helicopter, even after dark.

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Other Subject: Explain platos doctrine of civil responsibility
Reference No:- TGS01871984

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