Explain piagets theory and/or vygotskys theory

Assignment task: What do you know about Piaget's theory and/or Vygotsky's theory?

You will cite each resource in APA style, write an approximately 150-word description that summarizes the central theme and scope of the resource, and compare and contrast it with other resources. For more information on annotated bibliographies, consult the SNHU Shapiro Library annotated bibliography guide.

Your purpose here is to prepare to complete a final research paper on developmental psychology by locating a minimum of three to five current research articles (from the past three years) that you might potentially include in your final paper; these articles should relate to either Piaget's theory and/or Vygotsky's theory. The articles should provide sufficient information for you to compare and contrast the two theories.

Choose works that provide a variety of perspectives on your topic. You will need to include Four Journal Articles Total!

You should pay attention to the following points in your annotation, as Cornell University Library's annotated bibliography guide recommends:

1. Summarize the central theme and scope of the resource

2. Include a paragraph that covers the following:

o Evaluates the authority or background of the author

o Comments on the intended audience

o Compares or contrasts this work with another you have cited OR explains how this work illuminates your research topic

3. Cite the resource using APA style

4. The annotated bibliography is due in Module Five. You should include three to five quality resources directly related to your topic.

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Other Subject: Explain piagets theory and/or vygotskys theory
Reference No:- TGS03439417

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