Explain Performance Evaluation in parallel Computing
In this section, we will discuss the key attributes used to measure performance of a computer system. The performance characteristics are:
i) Cycle time (T): It's the unit of time for all operations of a computer system. It is the inverse of clock rate (l/f). The cycle time is signified in n sec.
ii) Cycles per Instruction (CPI): Different instructions receive different number of cycles for execution. Cycles per Instruction (CPI) is measurement of number of cycles per instruction
iii) Instruction count(IC): Number of total instructions in a program is known as instruction count.
If we presume that all instructions have equal number of cycles, then total execution time of a program would be
= Number of instruction in program * Number of cycle required by one instruction * Time of one cycle.
Hence, execution time would be T=IC*CPI*Tsec.
Basically the clock frequency of system is specified in MHz Also, the processor speed is measured in terms of million instructions per sec (MIPS).