
Explain-organizational success is leadership


Many argue that the single largest variable in organizational success is leadership. Effective leadership can transform an organization and create a positive environment for all stakeholders.

You will have the chance to evaluate a leader and identify what makes him/her effective.

Consider all the leaders who have affected your life in some way. Think of people with whom you work-community leaders, a family member, or anyone who has had a direct impact on you.

Choose one leader you consider to be effective. This can be a leader you are personally aware of, or someone you don't know, but have observed to be an effective leader. Write a paper addressing the below:

Explain how this leader has influenced you and why you think he or she is effective.

Analyze what characteristics or qualities this person possesses that affected you most.

Rate this leader by using a leadership scorecard. This can be a developed scorecard, or one you develop yourself. If you use a developed scorecard, please be sure to cite the sources of the scorecard. Once you have identified your scorecard, rate your leader. You decide what scores to include (for example, scale of 1-5, 5 being the highest) but be sure to assess the leader holistically across the critical leadership competencies you feel are most important (for example, visioning, empowering, strategy development and communication).

Critique this individual's skills against what you have learned about leadership so far in this course. Consider the following:

How well does he/she meet the practices covered in your required readings?

How well has he/she adapted to the challenges facing leaders today?

If you could recommend changes to his/her leadership approach, philosophy, and style, what would you suggest? Why?

Using the assigned readings, the Argosy University online library resources, and the Internet including general organizational sources like the Wall Street Journal, BusinessWeek, or Harvard Business Review, build a leadership profile of the leader you selected. Include information from personal experiences as well as general postings on the selected leader from Internet sources such as blogs. Be sure to include 2-3 additional resources not already included in the required readings in support of your leadership profile.

Create a 3 to 5-page paper in Word format. Apply APA standards to citation of sources

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HR Management: Explain-organizational success is leadership
Reference No:- TGS01873795

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