SOW is one of 10 sections required for this assignment. That is the only one of the ten required sections addressed in the paper. It appears that 9 of the 10 required sections are not included in the paper.
Unfortunately, the requirement to prepare a paper with the following sections, as specified in the assignment instructions, was not met:
"You must include the following subsections:
Project Statement of Work (SOW)-including the business need, product scope description, and the strategic plan to show how the project aligns with the organization's vision, goals, and mission.
Business case-including information relative to the market demand, organizational need, customer request, technological advance, legal requirement, ecological impact, and social need.
Agreements-which define the initial intentions captured in a memorandum of understanding, service level agreement, letters of intent, or other written or verbal understanding of the project.
Enterprise environmental factors-including governmental standards, organizational culture, organizational structure, and market considerations.
Organizational process assets-including organizational standards, policies, templates, or processes, and historical information that informs the project team.
Tools and techniques-including expert judgement and facilitation techniques.
Project charter-which will formally authorize the project and use of resources.
Stakeholder analysis-including analysis of relationships, the quantitative and qualitative information regarding interests of the parties, and documentation in a power/interest grid, power/influence grid, influence/impact grid, or salience model.
Meetings-including information describing the profile analysis meetings.
Stakeholder register-including the identification information, assessment information, and stakeholder classification.'
A titled section for each of these areas should have been included in the paper.