Explain order of priority for addressing identified issues

Assignment task:

Dilemma 1: Black Lives Matter The social worker has been working with a 25-year-old Black man who has been very active in the Black Lives Matter (BLM) movement. He has expressed a deep hatred for all police and has been a victim of police misconduct in the past. He was referred for services after being legally charged for resisting arrest during a BLM protest. The social worker is White and comes from a long line of police officers in their family. The social worker acknowledges that there are many "bad cops" out there but wholeheartedly believes most police officers are innately good. The client tells the social worker there is no way they can understand what he is going through because they are privileged and have not been the victim of systemic racism, and further states he is "just going to do his time" with the social worker until he is no longer required to do so. What should the social worker do? Explain how the ethical dilemma poses personal and/or professional value conflicts. Support your response by citing 2 relevant tenets from the NASW Code of Ethics. Explain the order of priority for addressing the identified issues, based on legal and ethical standards. Support your reasoning with relevant details. Describe the action steps you will take to address each issue and justify your response. Consider the following questions: What are your responsibilities in this situation? What interventions may be necessary to address the ethical dilemma? How will your personal and/or professional value conflicts be resolved by your action plan? Describe the intended outcome of your problem-solving process. Consider the following questions: What potential impacts (positive or negative) might your actions have on the client? How will your actions reflect the core principles and ethical standards of social work practice? How will your actions demonstrate professional competence? How will your actions demonstrate accountability to the clients you serve and to the general public? Cite at least two scholarly sources in addition to the textbook.


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Other Subject: Explain order of priority for addressing identified issues
Reference No:- TGS03424467

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