The short story Araby by James Joyce
Choose one of these elements of writing that you feel is important to the story;
Explain one way in which this short story uses this element and why you see that element as an important part of the story
Important elements in a story are" character, setting, plot, conflict, or theme
Please, divide your posts into paragraphs for easier reading, and make sure to reference, paraphrase, or quote specific passages from the text to support and illustrate what you say.
to clarify how literary vocabulary works together to strengthen a story,
to develop classroom cohesion,
and to develop creative thought.
200 to 300 words
Re: The Short Story Thread (Nov 28, 2014 4:44 PM) -
Last Edited By .... on Nov 28, 2014 2:46 PM
Setting: It was a dark and stormy night...
The snow blew across the fields with a fury that removed all of the color from the world. A "white out" they had called it. The trees were heavy with the weight of the snow, and as the limbs bowed and drooped you could almost feel the unbearable weight upon your very own shoulders. She felt sorry for them.
As she entertained the idea of running out to free them from their burden she noticed that the mountains were nowhere to be seen; it was as if they had been dragged from this sacred place by the wind itself, never to be seen again. Hidden away, like so many other things in the snowfall.