Explain one principle of self-determination

Assignment task: The Purple House- Renal dialysis

a. In relation to the establishment of your chosen program, discuss ONE of the following: i. Political context ii. Historical context iii. Social context

 b. Identify and explain one principle of self-determination. How has the principle been incorporated into your chosen program to improve health, provide one example.

c. Identify and explain one principle of Cultural Safety. How has the principle been incorporated into your chosen program to improve health, provide one example.

d. Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities have their own unique strengths. Some of these are illustrated as the orange roots that stabilise the tree in the learning map (also listed below). Choose TWO of these, outline these strengths and provide an example for each for how these have been used in the program you have chosen. i. Connection to Country ii. Connection to kin iii. Respect for Elders iv. Language

e. Choose two of the social determinants listed in the learning map (blue bubbles) above and explain how the program of your choice has addressed these social determinants to improve health.

Also provide 10 peer reviewed reference with in-text citation in APA7 referencing style which is not older than 5 years.

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Reference No:- TGS03366400

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